So it's been almost 8 months since I visited and posted on this sweet little blog and what an awful lot has happened in that time. I won't bore you to death with the long version but I will give you the cliff notes version of the last 8 months, where I have been, what's been happening, why I have been quiet and where things are going from here. So in the last 8 months I have:
Lost my Grandfather to Motor Neurone Disease. While we knew this was coming it was so heartbreaking and a really hard time not just for me but my whole family.
I struggled with depression (which I had been trying to ignore for about 12 months) and suicidal thoughts.
My marriage broke down, turning my life completely on it's head. While things had been rough for a few months I never imagined it was bad enough for my husband to kick me out, stop speaking to me and eventually move 1500km away.
This in turn meant that I moved back home with my parents and have been there ever since. I can't even begin to express how grateful and lucky I am to have the family I do. They have picked me up, dusted me off, held me together and taken control when things have gotten too tough. My parents have taken me in, my brothers and sisters in law have stood up for me, looked after me and been there every step of the way. My friends (who are family in my eyes) have been there as well. They have listened to me rant, swear and cry. They have let me sleep on their couch more times than I would care to count. They have made me laugh and they've helped put me back together again. And for this I owe my family and friends everything.
It hasn't all been bad though!
I have taken up roller derby (although I am taking a small break at the moment) and absolutely love it! Even if I am still only learning how to go and stop! It gets me out of the house, is great exercise and I have met a terrific bunch of people.
One of my best friends has joined the Sweet Blossoms Handmade crew. I'm sure she'll be along soon to introduce herself! She's a great crafty Mumma, a terrific friend and a fantastic motivator! Together we have also started attending local markets, which has broadened our horizons and been an absolute blast!
So forgive me for my absence both here and on facebook. It's been one hell of a year so far but I am coming out of the fog and finding my rhythm again! You'll be seeing a lot more of me, with bits of crazy, craftiness, cooking and everything about life in between. Keep you're eyes out for Kristy, I'm sure she'll be by soon!
Don't forget you can find us on Facebook, follow Kristy and myself on Pinterest and don't hesitate to leave us a comment!
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